A downloadable game for Windows

Welcome to my game Blocky Miner (working name).
(Last executable update - 11.12.2019 00:41)

It's a side-scroller survival sandbox with procedurally generated world. You can craft tools and other items and use them to shape the world freely!

Don't forget about hunger and thirst! Prepare nutritious meals and drink water regularly (try not to drown in it too). Don't try to jump from heights either.

It's an alpha version of the game. I've been working on it since around May 2019. The game will be developed for some more time (hopefully).

The next steps in the development that I intend to do is:
- saving game state option
- independent creatures
- plant cultivation (with dynamic growing)
- extensive dungeons with traps and treasures to find
- weather effects
- seasons
- diverse biomes with unique fauna and flora.
I'm thinking about making a mobile version in the near future.
In the far future, I consider adding a multiplayer option.

I encourage you to follow the project! Fell free to comment. I will be very grateful for all suggestions and ideas. Thanks :)

How to play?

Download the .zip archive. You'll find there a Unity build for Windows. Start the game with Blocky Miner.exe.
Type the world width and height (optional seed) and start. Do not exceed values like 4096x256 or 2048x512 because the whole world is generated on start and can take a while.

Control buttons

A - left
D - right
Space - jump

EQ interaction:
Right mouse on item - use it (if is usable)
Buttons from 1-9 - use corresponding item in bottom panel (if is usable)
Left shift + right mouse on item - alternate use of item (if has)
Left shift + buttons 1-9 - alternate use of corresponding item in bottom panel (if has)
Left mouse - move items between inventory/crafting slots
Left shift + left mouse - halve the stack and move items between inventory/crafting slots

World interaction:
Right mouse on world - set  currently used item/block on position
Left mouse on world - destroy block on position with currently used tool

Items to craft

Shovel, Hammer, Axe, Pickaxe, Knife,
Stone Shovel, Stone Axe, Stone Pickaxe
Wood derivatives:
Planks, Sticks
Iron, Gold, Silver
Health Potion,  Bandage, Soup
Torch, Boat, Empty Bucket, Water Bucket, Bowl

The exact crafting recipes and abilities of each item will be published soon.

Some of the items you can either find or craft.

Some of the items you can either find or craft.

Known bugs

Sometimes, when you destroy or set an underwater block, the water, instead of going down/up a little, multiplies and piles up. It looks like this:

It is caused by an engine bug. Possibly it has been fixed in the update of 11.12.2019 .


Blocky Miner.zip 26 MB


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(1 edit) (+1)

kox gierka, greetings from Poland :D



(1 edit)

Hasn't been updated in 18 months... is the developer still around? This seems promising...

The constraints at the bottom hinder more and more, and the terrain generation engine is no longer being developed. Maybe I will do something similar from scratch one day.